Privacy Policy

Our main policy is being useful for our customers. We do everything we can to improve the quality of our services and be useful for you. That is why we collect the information that is free and available from each visitor of our resource. If you enter the site, we will collect the information you will let us collect with your particular settings and your personal privacy.

  • What can we collect when you enter our website?
  • Your IP address and approximate geographic location
  • Which device you use to surf the web
  • Which browser you use
  • Which websites you have just visited and which files you have just downloaded
  • Keywords you have used to find us

What for do we need this information? We need it to make our services more helpful. If you have entered personal information like phone numbers and addresses, you can be sure that they will never be used for anything but execution of your order. If you render us your email, it is used for our own direct marketing purposes only and is never transmitted to any third parties. Your personal information will be safe unless we are obliged to do so by the law. You can easily change any personal information you have left at our website. Get in touch with our managers and do all required alternations.

We also collect cookies that are meant to improve the way websites work for the benefit of users. You can choose to switch cookies on or off, as you wish, but you should remember that switched off cookies restrict your possibilities of working with a website. What for do we need cookies? They help us customize our website effectively and match demands of our clients. The more cookies we have from diverse visitors, the better our user experience becomes and the higher our quality is.